November 2024 Newsletter

Krampusnacht Holiday Art Exhibit, Auction, and Parade
Love being creative? Submit your art into our brand new Krampus art exhibit and auction!
Interested in walking in the Krampus parade? Sign up here:
Storefront Holiday Decorating Contest!
The most festive time of the year is just around the corner, and so is our beloved annual Holiday Storefront Decorating Contest! Mark your calendars—starting November 15, you’ll have the chance to vote for your favorite decorated storefronts throughout Old Town! The full list of participating locations will be revealed on the same day, showcasing the delightful displays throughout our district that capture the essence of the holiday season. Stay tuned for more details and get ready to spread the cheer by voting for your favorites. Let’s make this holiday season in Old Town the best one yet!
Member-Hosted Events
Bradley's HG Cooking Classes - Nov. 3, 4, 7, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23
Ozone's Brewhouse Comedy Night - last Thursday of every month 8-10pm
UnCovered Beauty Studio Night of Healing - Nov. 13th 5:30-8pm
Holiday Sneak Peek - Nov. 15th 3-6pm
Merry Make N Take Wreath - Nov. 17th 11am-12:30pm
Pink Friday - Nov. 22nd 10am-6pm
Bloomsgiving with Friends - Nov. 25th 5:30pm
Grace Boutique:
Holiday Preview Party - Nov. 15th 5-8pm
Relax and Restore Yourself Friday - Nov. 29th 10am-6pm
Elderly Instruments:
Mountain Dulcimer Workshops with Wanda Degen - Nov. 16th 11am-4:30pm
Open Jam - 3rd Thursday of every month 5:30-7pm
Arts Council of Greater Lansing:
Cindy Souders Exhibition - Nov. 8th 5pm
Grant Chats - Nov. 15th 11am-12pm
Elyse Gambino Exhibit and Opening - Dec. 6th 5-8pm
Upcoming Events
Polka Dots Boutique 10 year Anniversary Celebration - Nov. 5th 11am-Nov. 9th 6pm
Curvaceous Lingerie 12 Year Celebration - Nov. 9th 11am-5pm
Lovelight Collective Pop-Up Market - Nov. 30th 10am-5pm
Small Business Saturday - Nov. 30th 10am-9pm
Krampusnacht - Dec. 7th 4-9pm
View the full events calendar!
Upcoming Committee Meetings
11/6 Executive - 8am (virtual)
11/6 Organization 12pm (virtual)
11/11 Promotions 6pm OTCA Office
Each month, a few of our Old Town businesses will be featured in our newsletter, website, and social channels to showcase their amazing work. Read about this month's spotlights: Matthew Ryan Salon and Garden, Loyalty Barbershop, and Sigma Financial Corporation!
Click on the photos to learn more about these amazing businesses!
Event Recaps
OTCA Fall Clean-Up
The OTCA hosted a fall cleanup on October 5th, and it was a huge success! Over 30 individuals showed up to help clean and beautify Old Town by picking up trash, weeding, and gardening!
Arts Night Out
The Arts Council of Greater Lansing, along with the OTCA, Great Lakes Art and Gifts, Flames 'N Dames, Spun Confection, and Zachori, hosted an incredible night of celebrating local artists and businesses at the final arts night out!
Preuss Pets Howloween
Over 300 dogs attended Preuss Pets' Howloween event on October 18th! Check out these amazing photos by Mark Chamberlin, who captured these incredible furry friends and their owners!
Twiggies Witches and Warlocks
Witches and Warlocks, an event hosted by Twiggies, was a spooky success! Check out the winners of the costume contest below!
Best Warlock: Thomas Marshall Best Group: Caitlyn & Cambrey McClure Best Witch: Jana Nicol
Volunteer With Us!
Join us in creating a spectacular night celebrating Krampusnacht for the Old Town community! We have a variety of shifts available for volunteers, there's something for everyone!
Visit this link to sign up for shifts: Krampusnacht Volunteering
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and our new TikTok!
Old Town Commercial Association
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